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St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School, Withnell

We work We care We Pray We share


'Design and Technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems. Children acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and enhance their technical skills. Pupils learn to become more resourceful, innovative and enterprising. They learn to evaluate past and present designs, and develop a critical understanding'.

Why we teach your child Design and Technology:

Products of Design and Technology is all around us. From the dresses that we wear to the laptops and computers that we use, they have been carefully designed, made and evaluated. Our aim is to ensure that the children have the opportunity to develop an understanding of technological processes, products, how they are made and their uses. We want to provide these opportunities so that children can develop a curiosity and interest in the designed and made world whilst also providing for them, opportunities to develop skills and techniques using a range of tools and materials safely.


What our curriculum looks like:

We have carefully designed our curriculum to ensure that children are taught a variety of different skills within the areas of Design and Technology from the National Curriculum. These include, mechanisms and mechanical systems, food, electrical systems, textiles and structures. The skills we teach in each year group is designed to build upon the children’s previous learning. Our learning journey is based upon the following principles, design, make and evaluate.


How we teach Design and Technology:


Each term we dedicate a whole day to Design and Technology. This allows the children to fully immerse themselves in the products that they are designing and making. It also enables the children to evaluate the effectiveness of their products and final outcomes. 

Principles of Teaching and Learning for Design and Technology


    How you can help your child at home:


    EYFS and KS1:

    • Talk about different products around you, the materials they are made from and what they feel like.
    • Take your child to the supermarket and look at the different fruits and vegetables. Talk about healthy eating and why it is important.
    • Use recycling as an opportunity to create different products.


    • Visit the Design Museum. There are a variety of workshops aimed at children aged 8-11 years available to book on to which can be found here
    • Encourage your child to help you cook at home and talk to them about different cooking processes as you do it.
    We work We care We Pray We share
    We've had 4 9 4 4 2 visitors
    Ofsted CEOP