Open Days for Reception starters 2025 - October 14th, 16th and 17th 9.30am/ November 11th, 12th and 14th 9.30am
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St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School, Withnell

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Class 3 Vikings - Class 4 received a  visit from Astrid the Viking this week to launch their new History topic. The children got to dress as Viking characters, handle artifacts and have already found out so much about the Scandinavian invaders and settlers. 
Class 3 Toothpaste making investigation:  We used a range of ingredients to make our own green and pink toothpaste. We soaked egg shells in coke to replicate our teeth enamel and tested to see whether our toothpaste could take the brown coke stains off the shells. 

Happy Valentine's Day! Class 3 - DT week - Making Valentine's Day Fairy cakes. Class 3 found out about local seasonal foods such as flour made from grain. We looked at how to stay safe in the kitchen and how to be hygienic when using food. We readied our ingredients and measured accurately. We wrote instructions and also designed how our cakes would be decorated. Also, we made our own nets to make 3D fold up packaging with a Valentine Day theme whilst we wrote messages to thank someone special in our family for all the love they show us. It was all great fun! 

Find your Class 2

Still image for this video

This week was Children’s Mental Health week. In class 2 we had lots of discussions around the theme of ‘Finding your brave’. We talked about being brave and how hard that can be, fears and how we can’t be brave without those and also the difference between being brave and unnecessary risk! To  celebrate we made this little video

Perfect Pizza project commences....🍕🍕

First we need to decide what we will use for the base of our pizzas. We tasted a range of different bread products to see which we thought would be best for this. What would you choose? 

Class 2 trip to Domino’s Pizza

Our DT topic this half term is Perfect Pizzas so what better way to kick start it than with a trip to Domino’s! The staff there showed us all around the kitchen and then let us make our own pizzas! Delish!!
Class 3 RE Community topic - We have enjoyed finding out all about what makes a Parish community. We know about a lot of the local groups we link with at St Joseph's such as the Chorley Food-bank and made leaflets to celebrate the work that our parish does. We found out a great deal when interviewing Father Peter and Jane to understand their roles as Parish Priest and Catechist. 
Class 3 English: Class 3 are really enjoying Tom's Midnight Garden and are writing in a range of styles including postcards, letters, diaries and newspaper reports. 
Friday Night Football Club: Junior children are enjoying showing their football skills in our latest sports club. 
Class 3 Brexit topic - On the day the UK leaves the European Union, Class 3 are sharing some of their work on their Brexit topic. The children have studied the Leave and Remain campaigns and arguments, details of the Withdrawal Agreement, the history of the EU, identified EU countries on a map and considered regional and age voting patterns. Here some of the children share their Brexit timelines. Check out the big hair on Boris, David Cameron's tears and Theresa May's famous beads! 

Class 3 Science Investigation to show the impact of different liquids on our teeth.

Class 3 Science Investigation - We have been studying the Digestive System and Teeth. We used egg shells to represent the enamel of our teeth. 3 eggs shells were placed in each of the equal sized containers, each submerged with 200 ml of the different liquids, which was the variable we changed. Each will be left for 7 days. We will observe to see the impact on the egg shells of the various liquids. The children have predicted which liquid will have the biggest impact on the egg shells and why. 
Class 3 have studied the digestive system and know the body parts involved and their functions. 

Class 3 Still Life Observational Drawing in the style of Cezanne

One line wire portraits in class 2

After looking at proportions of portraits and how our faces can convey different feelings, we studied the work of Alexander Calder and created some one line portraits using wire. 

Maths fun in Class One!

We love Forest Friday 🌳

Judaism Week

Christmas stay and play session in Class One

The children in Class One enjoyed having their parents and grandparents join them in class for a morning of Christmas crafts and mince pies by the fire. The children performed their talking story of ‘Dear Santa’ brilliantly. 

Food Bank

Class One made Christmas cards and brought in food and toiletries to send to the Living Waters food bank.

Autumn Term Music concert

Year 6 One Point Perspective Drawings

Class 3 Trip to Harris Museum

Strictly Come Dancing Year 6 Competition

Year 6 experimenting with Edukit robotics

Chorley School’s football league

The children from upper key stage 2 began there football fixtures for the Autumn term. 


Class 2’s Wacky Windmills

Class 2 have been working hard in DT this week designing, exploring and creating their own windmills. The hardest part was making sure the sails could spin in the wind but luckily they all do 👍🏻

We work We care We Pray We share
We've had 4 7 3 1 6 visitors
Ofsted CEOP