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St Joseph's Catholic

Primary School, Withnell

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Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

This is funding given to schools for every child who is eligible for free school meals. The government provides this funding because there is a strong link to suggest that children’s achievement is impacted by financial disadvantage. Looked after children and those with parents in the armed forces are also entitled to support with funding. 


How does the school access the money?

School completes a census at set points during the year, based on details provided by parents, indicating how many children have free school meals. The funding received is based on the number of eligible children.


How can I find out if my child is eligible for free school meals and the Pupil Premium?

If you feel that your child may be eligible for Free School Meals, it is important to register for their entitlement as soon as possible. The school office assists every family in applying for funding as soon as your child joins our school. Mrs Cunliffe and Mrs Wilsdon are also able to provide all the necessary information and will help you to complete the form. 


If your child is currently in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 and having a school meal through the government's Universal Free School Meals Entitlement, it is still important to register for the Free School Meals/Pupil Premium benefit if you think your child may be eligible. For more information about eligibility or how to apply please visit the Lancashire County Council website or use the link below.


Lancashire County Council-register for entitlement.


Can my child still benefit from the Pupil Premium even if they are on packed lunches?

If your family is eligible for free school meals but your child chooses to have packed lunches, school will still receive the Pupil Premium funding to support your child.


Will my child lose the Pupil Premium funding if they stop having free school meals?

No, the school continues to receive the funding for 6 years. This is called EVER6 funding. If your child moves onto high school in that time, the high school would continue to receive the funding so that your child can access additional support and enrichment.


What is the Pupil Premium spent on?

Schools have the freedom to decide what the funding is spent on as different schools will identify different areas of focus to support the children in their care. The only criterion is that it impacts upon the achievement of qualifying children and enables them to succeed in the same way as other children. Ofsted will check on the impact of the funding on the progress of eligible children.


How does St. Joseph’s Primary spend Pupil Premium funding? 

The details of how, and on what the Pupil Premium funding has been spent on each year, can be found in our pupil premium strategy for each academic year:

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

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