“…Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Matthew 17:20
Our Mission
St. Joseph’s family
Learn together
With love and faith in Jesus,
To become the people
God calls us to be
'We Work, We Care, We Pray, We Share'
Our vision is At St. Joseph’s is that each individual will learn, grow and thrive together with love and faith in Jesus. We will embrace our gospel values and enable all children to achieve their full potential in a safe, welcoming and happy learning environment. We will strive to create responsible citizens who are independent, confident, life-long learners and are equipped to meet the challenges of a changing future – the people who God calls them to be.
Religious Education
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School is affiliated with St. Joseph's Catholic Church, which is part of Liverpool Archdiocese.
The school delivers Religious Education lessons for 10% of the overall curriculum time. We are in the process of rolling out the Religious Education Directory (RED), with Reception to Year 3 children now being taught from this curriculum. We continue to use "Come and See" for Year 4 to Year 6 while the RED is being rolled out systematically. Whole school curriculum maps will be updated when the RED is being taught across all year groups.
Standards in Religious Education are high. The Catholic life of the school is central to our mission and children engage in well-planned, yet authentic and spiritual, prayer and liturgy.
Year 4 children have the opportunity to celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion as part of the parish with the support of school.
Collective Worship/Prayer and Liturgy
Collective worship takes place every day at St Joseph's and is an opportunity for children and staff to spend time talking to God and making sense of His word in their lives. Music, stories, prayer, scripture and songs are all part of the Collective Worship sessions and all play a part in bringing spirituality, joy and reflection to the children. Collective Worship may take place indoors or outside in the school grounds. Whole school Collective Worship takes place during assemblies.
As children move up through the school, they are encouraged to play a greater role in planning and delivering Collective Worship in their classes.
RSHE - Relationships and Sex and Health Education
Our Relationships and Sex Education Curriculum is directed by the Diocese and follows guidance from the Conference of Bishops and the DFE. We use the 'Journey in Love' programme which is taught as a whole school programme and supports development of the child from Reception to Year 6 through the areas of spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social and physical development. Our annual 'Class Welcome meetings' are used to inform parents that year group content and details about each year groups 'Journey in Love' focus will be provided prior to delivery.
Please access the RSHE Policy or speak to your child's class teacher for further information relevant to your child. Our schools approach to the curriculum reflects the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Please refer to the Equality Scheme and the Accessibility Plan which can be found on the Policies page.
Sacramental Programme
At St Joseph's, we work closely with the parish to support our pupils and their families on their sacramental journey.
As part of Liverpool Archdiocese, the sacramental programme which children undertake during their primary school years is called
'With You Always' and is as follows:
The programme for sacramental preparation in the parish is fully inclusive. Children at the school who are not baptised Catholics are most welcome to join in the preparation programmes and receive special blessings as part of this important faith journey.
As the steps on this sacramental journey require a family commitment, the main resources used are such that they support home and parish led catechesis.
For more information, please visit the Liverpool Archdiocese website and find out more about family led catechesis and the 'With You Always' resources.